Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Samruk-Energy JSC has integrated the Principles of Sustainable Development into its activities and is also committed to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Company, in carrying out its activities, strives to contribute to the achievement of the following UN Sustainable Development Goal.

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

UN SDG targets


By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people worldwide, currently measured by the number of people living on less than $2.15 a day.


By 2030, reduce by at least half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its manifestations according to national definitions.


By 2030, ensure that all men and women, especially the poor and vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technologies.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Retention of jobs by controlling the established KPI ‘Personnel turnover’ not more than 14%.

Ensuring competitive salaries, indexation of salaries.

Action Plan to improve social stability of Samruk-­Energy JSC.

Monitoring of KPI ‘Ensuring compliance with the share of top managers hired from the local population’.

Monitoring of COP ‘Degree of personnel welfare’ at the level of at least 65%.


Study of the possibility of application of carbon capture and storage technologies at coal-fired power plants.

Implementation of technology of oil-free oil-free boiler unit refueling system (plasma-fuel system).

Results 2023

1.1., 1.2.

The level of personnel turnover in 2023 amounted to 14%.

The average salary of employees in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC increased by 14% and amounted to KZT 462,244 per month. Indexation of salaries amounted to 10%, with special attention paid to low-paid employees.

The level of employees' social well-being (well-being index) reached 59%.

Proportion of senior managers in significant locations of operation hired from the local community 100%.


The Group's share in the electricity market of Kazakhstan amounted to 31.3%.

The share of RES generation in the electricity market of Kazakhstan is 6%.

The Company's share in production at the end of 2023 amounted to 38.1% of total coal production in Kazakhstan.

The Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC carries out its activities strictly in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, at the same time adhering to non-discrimination of consumers in terms of receiving goods and services. Taking into account that the electric power market is divided into wholesale and retail markets and that socially vulnerable population groups use electric power and utility coal within the framework of the retail market, they are subject to the services provided by AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP and AZC. Bogatyr-Komir LLP operates for the consumers of the retail market only within the framework of communal and household supplies, the distribution of which is carried out by local executive bodies. Information on social support for vulnerable groups of population is presented on the Company's website: https://www.samruk-energy.kz/ru/sustainable-development-ru#tab17.

CHPP-2 from coal-fired generation to gas fuel. Upon completion of the project, these works will make it possible to significantly reduce the volume of emissions into the environment.

Diseases and deaths related to chemical pollution of air, water and soil have never been recorded in the regions where Samruk-Energy JSC's production facilities are located. Work is also underway to reconstruct electrostatic filters, which will affect the quality of flue gas cleaning from suspended solids (dust/ash).

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

UN SDG targets


By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults with the necessary skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

The Jas Energy Youth Council is functioning.

The Rules for Organization and Conducting Practical Training and Internship in Samruk-Energy JSC were approved (Minutes No. 20 dated 21.07.2010).

Action plan for implementation of the youth policy of Samruk-Energy JSC.

Results 2023


For the purpose of social and professional development of personality through exchange of thoughts and experience, ‘II Youth Forum of Samruk-Energy JSC’ was held with participation of 100 employees of the Company.

Within the framework of implementation of the program for development of youth policy in the Group of companies of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, 5 employees of the Company completed participation in the modular program for development of young leaders ‘Zheti Kadam’.

They took part in the youth challenge of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, where young participants were trained in leadership, self-diagnostics.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

UN SDG targets


End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls worldwide.


Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other forms of exploitation.


Ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.


Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation to promote gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Signed Statement of Support for the Women's Empowerment Principles developed through the UN Women and UN Global Compact partnership.

An action plan was approved to increase the share of women in the Management Board of Samruk-Energy JSC and Management Boards, Supervisory Boards/Boards of Directors of subsidiaries and affiliated organizations of Samruk-Energy JSC up to 20% by 2023, up to 30% by 2030.

KPIs have been set: Increase in the number of women in the labor force.

KPI set: Increase in the number of women in the Talent pool.

Results 2023

5.1, 5.2, 5.С.

No confirmed cases of discrimination, harassment, bullying was recorded.

In 2023, the Non-Discrimination Policy was approved (Board decision of March 09, 2023, Minutes No. 7).

The Human Rights Policy was approved (Board decision on July 27, 2023, Minutes No. 24).


The share of women in the total labor force is 25%.

The share of women in the internal talent pool is 33%. Within the framework of the Gender Equality Program, women of the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC underwent modular training aimed at increasing the share of women in the Company's management bodies, and also took part in a business meeting with representatives of the Women's Energy Club KAZENERGY and a delegation from the Association of Women in Energy of Kyrgyzstan.

The following activities were carried out to appoint/elect women leaders to the Boards of Directors/ Supervisory Boards and Executive Body who completed the Gender Equality Program: M. Aisarieva was elected to the Board of Directors of Shardara HPP JSC (Minutes of Samruk-Energy  JSC BOD meeting 07/23 dated 06.06.23). A. Rakhimova was elected as a member of the SB of ‘First Wind Power Plant’ and elected as a member and Chairman of the SB of ‘Samruk Green Energy’ LLP and ‘Kazgidrotehenergo’ LLP (Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of ‘Qazaq Green Power PLC’ public company 7 dated 30.05.23).

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

UN SDG targets


By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating waste dumping and minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and significantly increasing recycling and safe reuse of wastewater worldwide.


By 2030, substantially improve water use efficiency in all sectors and ensure sustainable freshwater abstraction and supply to address water scarcity and significantly reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Action plan for management of labor protection and environmental protection issues in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC.

Plans for rational use of water resources.


  • reduction of fresh water consumption;
  • Increase the share of reusable and recycled water;
  • Reduction of wastewater discharge volumes and concentrations of harmful substances in wastewater; drainage (mine) water — additionally generated by Bogatyr Komir LLP;
  • minimization of risks in relation to water use;
  • Improving the quality of discharged wastewater.

Results 2023

6.3., 6.4.

In 2023, regular monitoring of the condition of water bodies was carried out by accredited specialized laboratories in accordance with the Program of industrial environmental control, including determination of chemical composition and quality of surface, underground and waste water. In the reporting period, no cases of exceeding maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in wastewater discharges were recorded in EGRES-1 LLP, EGRES-2 JSC, APP JSC, Bogatyr-Komir LLP, Moynak HPP JSC, Shardara HPP JSC, Alatau Zharyk Company JSC.

All production enterprises have implemented Water Resources Management Plans with measures to reduce fresh water use, discharge of normatively treated water, water losses during transportation and introduction of wastewater reuse systems.

Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
sustainable and modern energy for all

UN SDG targets


By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.


By 2030, substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.


By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.


By 2030, increase international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technologies, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil fuel technologies, and encourage investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technologies.

Results 2023

Electricity generation by RES facilities at the enterprises of the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC in 2023 increased by 32.8%

Electricity generation by RES facilities of Samruk-Energy JSC (SPP, WPP and small HPPs) for January-December 2023 was 554.4 million kWh, which corresponds to 8.1% of the total share of RES electricity generation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2023, we implemented 61 actions aimed at improving energy efficiency and rational use of resources, including construction of new substations, reconstruction and improvement of power grids, and optimization and modernization of energy infrastructures. These actions contributed to a profound transformation of our energy system, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable development and optimization of resource consumption. The measures implemented in the reporting period by Samruk-Energy JSC allowed saving 362.9 thousand t.e.f. (tonnes of equivalent fuel) for KZT 2.06 billion.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
full and productive employment and decent work for all

UN SDG targets


By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for youth and people with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.


Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and ensure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including the recruitment and use of child soldiers, and end child labor in all its forms by 2025.


Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working conditions for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular migrant women, and those in vulnerable employment.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

The Personnel Policy of Samruk-Energy JSC was updated.

The Code of Conduct of Samruk-Energy JSC is in force.

The Policy on Non-Discrimination has been implemented.

The Human Rights Policy has been implemented.

Results 2023

8.5., 8.7., 8.8.

In accordance with the HR Policy, one of the main business principles is the principle of ‘Diversity and Equal Opportunities/Non-Discrimination’, and the key objective ‘Ensuring the principles of inclusion and balance, which implies the creation and implementation of programs with equal conditions and opportunities for representatives of different social and age groups, paying equal attention to them’ has been defined. Within the framework of this goal, the Non-Discrimination Policy was approved in 2023 (Board decision of March 09, 2023, Minutes No. 7). The Human Rights Policy was approved (decision of the Management Board on July 27, 2023, Minutes No. 24). The Group of companies Samruk-Energy JSC employed 227 persons with disabilities.

Work is carried out on employment of the Presidential Youth Talent pool in case of vacancies in the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliated organizations.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization and foster innovation

UN SDG targets


Develop quality, reliable, resilient and sustainable infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, emphasizing affordable and equitable access for all.


By 2030, modernize infrastructure and modernize industries to make them sustainable, improve resource efficiency and increase the adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their capabilities.


Enhance research, build the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, especially developing countries, including by stimulating innovation and significantly increasing the number of R&D workers per 1 million people and public and private R&D expenditure by 2030.


By 2030, support by law and promote the active participation of all people in social, economic and political life regardless of their age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Investment project portfolio management Approved KPIs: Degree of realization of investment projects.

Results 2023


In 2023, the Company financed activities and projects aimed at socio-economic development in local communities for a total amount of KZT 125 million.


KZT 49,545,803 thousand was the cost of maintaining production assets.

KZT 80,252,344 thousand was directed to the implementation of investment projects, including RES facilities.

KZT 17,146,550 thousand amounted to capital investments in RES.


R&D on the project ‘Technologies of carbon capture and storage (CCS), obtaining products of carbon chemistry’ is being implemented.


There are no confirmed cases of discrimination in the Company, including on the grounds of harassment; moreover, by the decision of the Board of Directors dated 25.12.2023 (Minutes No. 18/23), the Code of Conduct was approved, which provides for prohibition of harassment of employees who in good faith report violations of the Company's IRD or cooperate in the investigation of improper behavior.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

UN SDG targets


By 2030, achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.


By 2030, significantly reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.


Encourage companies, especially large and multinational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and include sustainability information in their reporting cycle.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Corporate Standard on Environmental Protection Management in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC.

Action Plan for Management of Labor Protection and Environmental Protection Issues in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC.

Results 2023


Environmental protection (EP) is managed at all levels of the Company.

To manage environmental safety as a part of comprehensive industrial safety, we have established an Environmental Management System (EMS), which is an integral part of the corporate governance system and an essential part of the non-financial risk management system. As part of the EMS, the Guidelines for Environmental Emergencies and Response have been approved.

The environmental management system of Samruk-Energy JSC is constantly evaluated for compliance with the best international practices with the involvement of Independent International Consultants and is gradually improved.


All types of waste generated at EGRES-1 LLP, EGRES-2 JSC, APP JSC, Bogatyr-Komir LLP are identified based on the inventory of waste generation sources.

To minimize the negative impact of Bogatyr Komir LLP on the adjacent territories, the Company is reducing the volume of overburden disposal at external dumps by developing projects to use the internal mined-out space of Severny and Bogatyr open-pit mines as internal dumps. In order to prevent oxidation processes and spontaneous combustion of carbon-containing rock stored in dumps, isolation of dumps and compaction of the dumps' roof with inert rocks is carried out.

Ash and slag wastes of EGRES-1 LLP, EGRES-2 JSC, APP JSC are buried on ash dumps, with provision of dust suppression measures — at Ekibastuz GRES under the water edge, in APP JSC by a unique combined technology with covering with a layer of soil and planting of perennial grasses and shrubs. We carry out annual reclamation of spent parts of ash dumps. Besides, along with utilization, ash and slag are processed for their further use in construction of highways and production of building materials.

In the process of production activity of EGRES-1 LLP, EGRES-2 JSC, APP JSC, Bogatyr-Komir LLP, no radioactive wastes are generated. Radiation monitoring is conducted on the territory of EGRES-1 LLP, EGRES-2 JSC, APP JSC, Bogatyr-Komir LLP and on the border of their sanitary protection zones on a quarterly basis. According to the monitoring results, no exceedances of the permissible level of 2.5 mSv/hour were registered.


The Company annually prepares Integrated Reports, where it discloses its impact of resource consumption in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC in 3-year dynamics.

Adapted forms for collection of information on waste management in accordance with international requirements for reporting on sustainable development (GRI) have been adopted.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

UN SDG targets


Increase resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries.


Improve education, awareness raising, and human and institutional capacity for climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Energy transition program for 2022- 2060.

Results 2023


In accordance with the Energy Transition Program, the Company envisages gradual change of the generation structure, systematic increase in the share of generation from renewable sources, application of the best available technologies, study and application of carbon capture and storage technologies at the Company's coal-fired plants, as well as implementation of measures to improve energy efficiency and energy saving.

In 2023, climate risks (32-C-SE) as a result of the exposure assessment were identified as strategic and placed in the Large Risk Zone. Work was carried out jointly with the structural units concerned on the management of climate risks, including those related to water resources. Climate risks were supplemented with descriptions of water risk factors and measures to manage this risk. Thus, in turn, such risk factors as pollution of water resources, ban on the use of water resources from transboundary rivers, excess of pollutants in wastewater were supplemented. In addition, measures to manage them were developed and approved: monitoring of the impact of economic activities on aquatic ecosystems, fauna and flora, compliance with the rules of operation of buildings and structures. As part of environmental monitoring, in 2023, for the first time in test mode, an automated system for monitoring emissions into the environment (ASM) was introduced at EGRES-2 JSC. As part of this project, it is planned to introduce the automation of co-logical indicators in all major production companies in the following years.

In 2023, the implementation of the project: ‘Action Plan and Disclosure according to TCFD recommendations (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures — a standard for maintaining reports that disclose information on the possible impact of climate change on the global economy)’ was started. Now the gap-analysis of corporate governance practices is underway ‘Samruk-Energy in the area of climate change and TCFD disclosures and assessing the maturity of Samruk-Energy's corporate governance practices in the area of climate change with regard to TCFD recommendations. The project started at the end of October 2023 and will be completed at the end of April 2024.


In order to raise the level of awareness of the Company's employees about ESG best practices, during the second quarter of 2023, corporate training for employees of all levels is organized on the following topics: ‘Global Climate Agreements’, ‘National Greenhouse Gas Regulation’, ‘ESG Principles/Practices’, ‘Carbon Cycle, Climate Change, Monitoring Methods’, ‘Company's Carbon Footprint. Direct Emissions, Energy Indirect Emissions, Other Indirect Emissions’, ‘RES: Global Trends and Development in Kazakhstan’, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement’, ‘Green Finance Carbon Asset Management Project Mechanisms’, ‘Corporate Strategies’. The training was conducted by Tetra Tech ES, Inc. implementing the USAID-funded project ‘Energy of Central Asia’.

When disclosing information, Samruk-Energy JSC adheres to the principle of consistency and comparability, continuously works on improving the completeness of information disclosure and expanding the scope of reporting on GHG emissions, in this regard, in this regard, for the first time in 2023, fluorinated gases from the Company's quota plants, which account for about 2% of anthropogenic GHG emissions globally, will be accounted for.

Emissions of fluorinated gases, tons CO2-eq.

Name of fluorinated gas 2023
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 192.7
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) 0
Difluorochloromethane (CHClF2) 424.9
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) 1,623.6
Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) 0
Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) 555
Total for Samruk-Energy JSC 2,796.2

Protect, restore and promote sustainable
use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification, and halt
and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

UN SDG targets


By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, including forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in accordance with obligations arising from international agreements.


Immediately take meaningful measures to curb degradation of natural habitats, halt biodiversity loss, and ensure the conservation and prevention of extinction of endangered species by 2020.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Corporate Standard on Environmental Protection Management in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC.

Action Plan on management of labor protection and environmental protection issues in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC.

Results 2023

15.1., 15.5.

To minimize fish kill, all hydraulic turbines of our HPPs are equipped with fish protection devices. Also, according to the recommendation of the Kazakh Research Institute of Fisheries, as a fish protection measure near the water intake in front of the turbine conduits, the water surface is illuminated with spotlights at night to deter fish.

To minimize the deaths of birds that use overhead power line (OPL) poles as roosts, we reconstruct the poles and equip them with insulated wires.

To reduce the impact on aquatic and terrestrial (coastal) ecosystems, HPP operation regimes are coordinated with the Committee for Water Resources of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources, with Akimats and the management of SPNR (in the case of Moynak HPP). Water releases in the interests of agricultural land users (irrigation) and water supply are agreed with authorized bodies.

At the pre-project and design stages of wind power installations (WPI), it is envisaged to minimize their environmental impact. For example, in order to minimize the impact of light pollution on the biorhythms of living creatures and to preserve and replenish biodiversity, we minimize the lighting of wind power plants to the point of using only parking lights. Our subsidiaries and affiliates annually develop biodiversity conservation programs that include comprehensive land reclamation upon completion of operations to compensate for potential environmental damage caused by our operations. The works are carried out as part of post-utilization of subsidiaries and affiliates' construction facilities, liquidation of subsoil use consequences, liquidation and conservation of hydrogeological wells, closure of landfills and other waste storage and disposal sites, including radioactive waste. The Company did not decommission any facilities in 2023.

Based on the results of continuous environmental monitoring, no significant direct or indirect impact of subsidiaries and affiliates' activities on vulnerable ecosystems and biodiversity was observed in the reporting period.

Promoting just, peaceful and inclusive societies

UN SDG targets


Significantly reduce corruption and bribery in all its forms.


Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms in accordance with national legislation and international agreements.


Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and sustainable development policies.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

Compliance officers have been appointed in the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC, whose terms of reference include, inter alia, issues of anti-corruption expertise and work.

Corruption risks are analyzed annually.

Compliance officers conduct due diligence of counterparties, including their involvement in corruption offenses.

Mass explanatory work on anti-corruption issues is carried out.

An anti-corruption clause has been strengthened in procurement contracts since 2022.

Results 2023


There were no confirmed cases of corruption and bribery in the reporting period.

In the reporting period, more than 70 training events were held throughout the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC with explanations on changes in anti-corruption legislation, tax declaration and hotline operation procedure.

16.10, 16.В.

In order to ensure compliance with the non-discriminatory policy, the Code of Conduct was approved by the decision of the Company's BOD dated 25.12.2023 (Minutes No. 18/23), which provides for prohibition of harassment of employees who report violations in good faith or cooperate in the investigation of improper behavior.

Reviewed the procurement system. The appeals received by the centralized procurement control service were reviewed, the nature of violations was determined, as well as measures to eliminate them, in addition, recommendations were made to minimize compliance risks in procurement.

Revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development

UN SDG targets


Strengthen the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, experience, technology and financial resources to support the achievement of sustainable development goals in all countries, especially developing countries.

Company projects/objectives/KPIs

The Company is a member of the following national and International organizations:

  • CIS Electric Power Council;
  • Kazakhstan Electric Power Association;
  • National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • KAZENERGY Association membership;
  • Union of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan;
  • ECOJER Association;
  • World Energy Council;
  • UN Global Compact.

Results 2023


4.08.2023 Participated in the II Annual Forum on industrial safety of Samruk-Kazyna JSC. January-December 2023 Chairman of the Management Board took part in the meetings of the Board of Directors of KEA;

April 7, 2023 participated in the meeting of the Energy Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.A. Smailov;

April 21, 2023 took part in the meeting of the Public Council of Samruk-Kazyna JSC;

June-December 2023 participated in the KEA meetings to discuss the Strategy for the development of the industry for 2025-2035;

June 21-22, 2023 participated in the 7th Annual International Congress and Exhibition ‘Hydropower Central Asia and the Caspian’;

July 3, 2023 took part in the meeting of the Energy Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Smailov A.A.;

August 25, 2023 participated in the meeting of heads of hydropower departments of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan;

September 14, 2023 took part in an extended thematic meeting of the Committee on Ecology and Environmental Management on the topic: ‘Issues of ensuring energy security of the Republic of Kazakhstan’;

September 19-20 participated in the conference ‘Energy Week of Central Asia and Mongolia 2023’;

October 2023 took part in the meeting of the Public Council of Samruk-Kazyna JSC;

October 3-6, 2023 took part in the high-level round table of the Executive Committee of the CIS ES ‘Energy security of CIS countries’ KAZAKHSTAN ENERGY WEEK — 2023/XV Eurasian Forum KAZENERGY;

November 24, 2023 participated in the meeting of the Energy Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

November 25, 2023 participated in the field meeting in Bishkek to discuss the implementation of the Kambarata HPP project;

December 8, 2023 participated in the meeting of the Council of the Association KAZENERGY;

December 4 Participated in the СОР-28 on climate change, presented the Company's contribution to reducing carbon footprint;

December 13, 2023 took part in the expanded general meeting of the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association;

During the year, participated in meetings on the establishment of the International Water and Energy Consortium of Central Asia.