Results 2023
In accordance with the Energy Transition Program, the Company envisages gradual change of the generation structure, systematic increase in the share of generation from renewable sources, application of the best available technologies, study and application of carbon capture and storage technologies at the Company's coal-fired plants, as well as implementation of measures to improve energy efficiency and energy saving.
In 2023, climate risks (32-C-SE) as a result of the exposure assessment were identified as strategic and placed in the Large Risk Zone. Work was carried out jointly with the structural units concerned on the management of climate risks, including those related to water resources. Climate risks were supplemented with descriptions of water risk factors and measures to manage this risk. Thus, in turn, such risk factors as pollution of water resources, ban on the use of water resources from transboundary rivers, excess of pollutants in wastewater were supplemented. In addition, measures to manage them were developed and approved: monitoring of the impact of economic activities on aquatic ecosystems, fauna and flora, compliance with the rules of operation of buildings and structures. As part of environmental monitoring, in 2023, for the first time in test mode, an automated system for monitoring emissions into the environment (ASM) was introduced at EGRES-2 JSC. As part of this project, it is planned to introduce the automation of co-logical indicators in all major production companies in the following years.
In 2023, the implementation of the project: ‘Action Plan and Disclosure according to TCFD recommendations (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures — a standard for maintaining reports that disclose information on the possible impact of climate change on the global economy)’ was started. Now the gap-analysis of corporate governance practices is underway ‘Samruk-Energy in the area of climate change and TCFD disclosures and assessing the maturity of Samruk-Energy's corporate governance practices in the area of climate change with regard to TCFD recommendations. The project started at the end of October 2023 and will be completed at the end of April 2024.
In order to raise the level of awareness of the Company's employees about ESG best practices, during the second quarter of 2023, corporate training for employees of all levels is organized on the following topics: ‘Global Climate Agreements’, ‘National Greenhouse Gas Regulation’, ‘ESG Principles/Practices’, ‘Carbon Cycle, Climate Change, Monitoring Methods’, ‘Company's Carbon Footprint. Direct Emissions, Energy Indirect Emissions, Other Indirect Emissions’, ‘RES: Global Trends and Development in Kazakhstan’, Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement’, ‘Green Finance Carbon Asset Management Project Mechanisms’, ‘Corporate Strategies’. The training was conducted by Tetra Tech ES, Inc. implementing the USAID-funded project ‘Energy of Central Asia’.
When disclosing information, Samruk-Energy JSC adheres to the principle of consistency and comparability, continuously works on improving the completeness of information disclosure and expanding the scope of reporting on GHG emissions, in this regard, in this regard, for the first time in 2023, fluorinated gases from the Company's quota plants, which account for about 2% of anthropogenic GHG emissions globally, will be accounted for.
Emissions of fluorinated gases, tons CO2-eq.