Internal |
Economic Profit/Consolidated Net Income/Economic Performance;
Free funds for development and dividends;
Market share/ Market presence;
Social and environmental responsibility, minimization of emissions into the environment, compliance with the principles of sustainable development, no complaints and fines for violation of environmental laws.
Participation in meetings/periodic reporting of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, on the results of the Company's activities for the reporting period;
Provision of reporting (financial, non-financial) in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal regulations of the Sole Shareholder, relevant requests;
Organization of joint working groups, meetings, negotiations, meetings with stakeholders;
Formation of media plan/publication of information on the Company's activities;
Discussing the execution of the Development Strategy, Business Plan, Transformation Program, implementation of investment projects and sustainable development processes, etc.;
Meetings and correspondence on the activities of the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC;
Surveys, questionnaires, testing;
Channels of intra-corporate communication;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
On April 28, 2023 the consolidated financial statements of Samruk-Energy JSC were published on the KASE platform;
On June 1, 2023, Samruk-Energy JSC paid dividends on common shares for 2022 in the amount of KZT 2.041 billion;
The Sole Shareholder considered the following issues:
on amending the Charter of Samruk-Energy JSC — January 26, 2023;
on approval of the Code of Corporate Governance of Samruk-Energy JSC in a new edition — November 10, 2023.
Strategic sessions:
On February 7, 2023, a meeting of the Strategic Session of Samruk-Energy JSC was held on the issue of updating the Development Strategy for 2023-2032 (minutes dated 07.02.2023).
On March 3, 2023, a meeting of the Strategic Session of Samruk-Energy JSC was held with representatives of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, independent members of the Board of Directors of the Company, members of the Management Board of the Company, and major subsidiaries and affiliates on the issue of consideration of the draft updated Development Strategy of the Company for 2023-2032. (Minutes No. 2 dated 03.03.2023).
By resolution of the BOD of Samruk-Energy JSC (Minutes No. 04/23 dated April 14, 2023), it was decided to complete the Company's Transformation Program.
During the reporting period, the Company participated in 9 hearings (from April to December 2023). 290 appeals and complaints were received through all feedback channels.In 2023, the Ombudsman officially received 37 appeals. All appeals were consulted, answers and recommendations were given, and personal meetings (conversations, information sessions) were held with employees and managers of the Company and SACs.Since the beginning of the year, 60 appeals and complaints have been received through all feedback channels, 3 of which are under consideration.
Subsidiaries and affiliated organizations
Employment and remuneration, staff-management relations, non-discrimination, diversity and equal opportunities;
Improved safety culture, training and education;
Market share/presence in markets for products and services;
Assistance in dealing with government agencies, commercial interests.
Decisions of the Company as a participant/shareholder of subsidiaries and affiliates;
Verification of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents of the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC;
Inspections of fulfillment of license and contractual obligations of Samruk-Energy JSC subsidiaries and affiliates;
Management visits to production sites of subsidiaries and affiliates;
Development of proposals on amendments and additions to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Provision of information requested by state authorities in various areas of the Company's activities;
Signing contracts, memorandums and agreements on strategic cooperation;
Orders and instructions, hearing of the management of subsidiaries and affiliates by the Company;
Information/reports on the fulfillment of the business plan, production, investment and social plans/commitments, achievement of key performance indicators and other relevant issues sent to the Company;
Communicating performance targets, requirements for the development of internal regulatory documentation, etc., on an ongoing basis;
Apparatus, production operational and other meetings, public hearings within the framework of investment project implementation;
Industrial safety briefings, training and education;
Provision of feedback on appeals and complaints/hotline, social networks, internal corporate communication channels, Annual Report and the Company's online resource.
In 2023, more than 70 training events were held in all SACs to explain changes in anti-corruption legislation, tax declaration and hotline procedures
In 2023, the Ombudsman of Samruk-Energy JSC visited all Company subsidiaries and affiliates;
Fulfillment of the investment program of the Company's SACs in 2023 — KZT 132,146 million;
In early December 2023, the youth of subsidiaries and affiliates took part in the Samruk-Kazyna Youth Challenge;
Reporting meetings were held in all subsidiaries and affiliates with participation of the Company's managers, Ombudsman, trade union, heads of subsidiaries and affiliates and labor collectives on improvement of social and labor relations;
A strategic session was held on March 3, 2023, Minutes No.2 with the participation of the executive body and key subsidiaries and affiliates companies;
The Company's management visited all production sites in 2023:
Alatau Zharyk Company JSC: 18.01.2023; 27.06.2023; 31.08.2023; 06.10.2023, 24.11.2023, 25.12.2023;
Bukhtarma HPP JSC: 26.04.2023, 28.08.2023;
AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP: 03.03.2023; 28.09.2023; 24.11.2023;
First Wind Power Plant LLP: 25.01.2023; 01.09.2023;
Samruk-Green Energy LLP: 02.02.2023; 06.10.2023, 21.12.2023;
Semirechye Energy LLP: 31.05.2023;
EGRES-1 LLP: 17.02.2023, 04.07.2023, 21.07.2023, 22.08.2023, 20.09.2023;
EGRES-2 JSC: 17.02.2023, 04.07.2023, 21.07.2023, 22.08.2023, 20.09.2023, 10.10.2023, 11-12.01, 22.05, 20-21.07.2023, 17.08.2023, 22-24.10.2023, 16.11.2023;
Bogatyr Komir LLP: 17.02.2023, 04.07.2023, 21.07.2023, 22.08.2023, 20.09.2023, 20.09, 24.10, 26.12.2023;
APP JSC: 17.03.2023, 22.06.2023, 04.07.2023, 18-20.01, 30.06-01.07,10-11.09, 21.08.2023;
Shardara HPP JSC: 02.10.2023, 30.09-02.10.2023;
Moynak HPP JSC: 27.10.2023, 05-08.10.2023.
One meeting was held in 2023 to review the results of subsidiaries and affiliates activities for 2022;
Also, 17 meetings of the PEC were held to review the performance results of subsidiaries and affiliates.
Management and personnel
Employment, employee-management relations, non-discrimination, diversity and equal opportunities, employee job satisfaction and the performance of the Company's services under their control;
Training and education;
Improving the level of safety culture.
Fair and transparent conditions of personnel remuneration, ensuring professional growth of employees, safe working conditions;
Development of human resources potential;
Instruction on occupational safety and implementation of programs to improve working conditions;
Implementation of social support measures for personnel and their family members;
Professional development, training and personnel development programs;
Regular meetings with management, negotiations/meetings with the team, representatives of subsidiaries and affiliates and the trade union, including year-end meetings;
Informing employees about the Company's activities and opportunities for professional growth via corporate websites and social networks;
Conducting surveys, questionnaires, testing, and annual monitoring of personnel engagement indicators;
Hotline, internal corporate communication channels, and the Company's Internet resource.
Total cost of employee training in 2023 — KZT 440,080 thousand;
Salary fund of Samruk-Energy JSC employees — KZT 98,570,478 thousand;
In 2023, 783 employees were included in the Talent Pool;
In 2023, 266 employees of the Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC were awarded for outstanding achievements;
In 2023, 95 appeals were received to the Hotline.
Trade unions
Creation and preservation of jobs;
Increasing the level of safety culture in production.
Holding public hearings;
Signing of contracts, memorandums, strategic cooperation agreements;
Regular meetings with management, negotiations/meetings of teams, representatives of subsidiaries and affiliates, year-end report;
Regulation of labor relations with the Company's employees;
Remuneration of personnel in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, training and education, safe working conditions;
Informing on current activities of subsidiaries and affiliates;
Receiving letters (appeals) from the Company;
Hotline, social networks, intra-corporate communication channels;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
In the reporting year, 96% of employees were covered by the Collective Agreement;
Local Trade Union ‘Seriktes’ organized sports competitions among the employees of Alatau Zharyk Company JSC.
External |
Public authorities
Compliance, business stability and sustainability, tax revenues, economic growth;
Creation and preservation of jobs;
Representation of the country's economic interests in the international arena (economic, political and image benefits for the country);
Improving energy and resource efficiency of production, preserving the natural environment to ensure public health and biodiversity conservation, minimizing emissions into the environment.
Inspections of license and contractual obligations of the Company's subsidiaries and affiliates;
Verification of compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, development of proposals for amendments to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Approval of subsoil use contracts, act of state registration for subsoil use rights;
Information/reporting (financial, non-financial) in accordance with the requirements of the RK legislation on fulfillment of production, investment and social plans and obligations as requested;
Negotiations, business correspondence, staff, production, operational and other meetings, questionnaires;
Formation of a media plan/publication of information on the Company's activities;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
In 2023, the Company transferred KZT 64,308 million to the state;
Total number of inspections conducted by state authorities on industrial safety — 32;
In 2023, Samruk-Energy JSC took part in the development of the Strategy for Development of the Electric Power Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2035.
Market share/Presence in markets;
Quality of products and services;
Marketing communications.
Customer feedback system;
Conducting meetings, negotiations, questionnaires;
Formation of a media plan/publication of information on the Company's activities;
Signing of contracts, memorandums, strategic cooperation agreements;
Hotline; Годовой отчет и интернет-ресурс Компании.
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
Coal sales to consumers on the domestic market — 32.32 million tons.
Suppliers of goods, works and services
Ensuring equal access to participation in tenders;
Investment and procurement practices/Benefits from procurement category strategies;
Supply network and value chain efficiency;
Support for domestic producers.
Request for quotations;
Conducting regular analytical meetings, negotiations, business correspondence;
Signing contracts, memorandums, strategic cooperation agreements, licensing;
Information/reporting on the fulfillment of production, investment and social plans and obligations sent to the Company;
Reporting on the results of the Company's financial and economic activities;
Consideration of letters (appeals) addressed to the Company;
Conducting surveys, questionnaires, testing;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
In 2023, payments to suppliers and contractors — KZT 350,498 million;
Contracts concluded by Samruk-Energy JSC include provisions of the Code of Conduct, anti-corruption policy, as well as compliance with health and safety requirements, decent working conditions, and sanctions clauses.
Business communities (Associations, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, ALE)
Participation in improving and complying with industry standards;
Participation in improving the business environment;
Support in government agencies through mechanisms of interaction between the business environment and government agencies, assistance in promoting the Company's legislative initiatives.
Development of proposals for amendments and additions to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Signing contracts, memorandums, agreements on strategic cooperation;
Conducting regular analytical meetings, negotiations, business correspondence;
Creation of working groups, meetings, negotiations, questionnaires;
Annual report and Internet resource of the Company.
In 2023, as part of the Gender Equality Program, employees of the Corporate Center underwent modular training aimed at increasing the share of women in the Company's management bodies, and participated in a business meeting with representatives of the KAZENERGY Women's Energy Club;
Together with the Kazakhstan Electric Power Association ALE, the Company worked to initiate changes in the country's environmental legislation, proposing to postpone the timeline for the introduction of BAT from 2025 to 2031 for energy companies.
Public organizations and local population
Increasing the level of production safety culture;
Increasing the level of energy and resource efficiency of production;
Minimizing emissions into the environment;
Environmental protection issues within the framework of environmental impact assessment, including:
atmospheric air;
surface and underground water;
surface of the bottom of water bodies;
land and soil cover;
plant life;
animal life;
status of ecological systems and ecosystem services;
health and living conditions of the population;
objects of special ecological, scientific, historical, cultural and recreational value.
Compliance with legal requirements, sponsorship and other assistance;
Employment opportunities, solution of social problems, transparency of the Company's activities, preservation of the natural environment.
Holding public hearings;
Development of proposals for amendments and additions to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Formation of a media plan/publication of information about the Company's activities in mass media;
Surveys, questionnaires, testing;
Informing on current activities of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates;
Consideration of letters (appeals) addressed to the Company;
Hotline, social networks;
Annual report and the Company's online resource.
In the reporting year, investments in local communities amounted to KZT 125 million;
The Group of companies of Samruk-Energy JSC provided assistance to the residents of Ekibastuz in an emergency situation — an accident at the CHPP;
A number of meetings were held with local communities (public hearings in the form of open meetings):
August 30, 2023 — on the project ‘Draft standards of permissible emissions’, ‘Waste management program’ and ‘Program of industrial environmental control’ of Ekibastuz GRES-1 LLP;
September 4, 2023 — on the draft Possible Impact Report for the Feasibility Study ‘Reconstruction with complete re-laying of the heating main of CHPP-2-ZTK’ of Almaty Power Plants JSC;
November 24, 2023 — on materials of the Environmental Protection Section to the working project ‘Reconstruction and expansion of ash dump of CHPP-3. Construction and installation works. Stage 5’ of Almaty Power Plants JSC;
December 19, 2023 — on projects ‘Norms of permissible emissions into the atmospheric air’ and ‘Waste Management Program’ for CHPP-3 for 2025-2026 of Almaty Power Plants JSC;
September 7, 2023 — on the projects adjustment of DED ‘Reconstruction and new construction of electric 10-6-0,4 kV on END-1. Replacement of overloaded and exhausted standard term KL to improve power supply’, ‘Reconstruction and new construction of electric 10-6-0,4 kV on END-6. Replacement of overloaded and exhausted normative term KL for increase of power supply’, ‘Transfer of 6 kV networks to 10 kV voltage at SS-6A, SS-3A (SS -168A) (2-stage)’. Alatau Zharyk Company JSC.
Market share/Presence in markets;
Joint implementation of projects;
Transfer of technologies, competencies and innovations.
Decisions of the Company as a participant/shareholder of subsidiaries and affiliates, joint consultative and advisory bodies;
Organization of joint working groups, inspections;
Meetings, negotiations, business correspondence, questionnaires;
Reports on current activities;
Correspondence on the activities of subsidiaries and affiliates;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
In the reporting year, 100% of Samruk-Energy JSC's partners were informed about Samruk-Energy JSC's anti-corruption policy.
Financial institutions
Economic profit/ Consolidated net income/ Economic performance;
Free funds for development and dividends.
Provision of reports/information on the Company in accordance with the requirements of the existing loan agreements;
Provision of reports (financial, non-financial) in accordance with the requirements of the RK legislation, internal regulations of the Sole Shareholder, relevant requests;
Formation of media plan/publication of information on the Company's activities in mass media;
Annual report and Internet resource of the Company.
On February 24, 2023, the Board of Directors of DBK approved financing of the project ‘Modernization of Almaty CHPP-2 with minimization of environmental impact’;
Meetings with financial institutions (second tier banks, development banks, AIX, rating agencies) and potential investors were held during 2023.
International organizations
The Company's participation in international agreements and initiatives.
Conferences, forums, annual meetings;
Signing of contracts, memorandums, strategic cooperation agreements;
Creation of working groups, meetings, negotiations, questionnaires;
International rating agency Morningstar Sustainalytics conducted a study of Samruk-Energy JSC and assigned ESG Risk Rating — 24.1 points;
On October 20, 2023, the international rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed long-term credit ratings of Samruk-Energy JSC at the level of ‘BB+’.
Economic Profit/Consolidated Net Income/Economic Performance;
Free funds for development and dividends;
Net Asset Value (NAV);
Investment and Procurement Practices/Benefits of Implementation;
Procurement category strategies.
Conducting regular analytical meetings and negotiations, business correspondence, questionnaires;
Forming a media plan/publication of information about the Company's activities in mass media;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
A loan agreement was signed between APP JSC and the Asian Development Bank in the amount not exceeding KZT 98 billion for the implementation of the project on gasification of Almaty CHPP.
Local executive bodies
Compliance, job creation and retention, sponsorship and other assistance;
Health and safety of personnel;
Improving energy and resource efficiency of production, minimizing emissions into the environment.
Cooperation with local executive bodies to support and develop the social sphere in the regions;
Organization and implementation of volunteer and charity actions;
Hotline, social networks;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
Together with the Akimat of Yenbekshikazakh district and the Akimat of Almaty region, work is underway to make decisions on the return of land within the framework of the project ‘Construction of a hybrid plant of WPP, HPP with a capacity of 310 MW’.
Compliance, job creation and retention, and a culture of production safety;
Economic profit and performance;
Market share/presence in markets;
Improved energy and resource efficiency of production;
Minimization of emissions into the environment.
Holding press conferences, providing press releases;
Formation of a media plan/publication of information about the Company's activities;
Hotline, social networks;
Annual report and the Company's Internet resource.
Samruk-Energy JSC invites media representatives when holding public hearings. In 2023, 5 public/public hearings were held on the implementation of investment projects;
Within the framework of information work in 2023, 79 information messages were prepared and sent to mass media, 17 expert opinions were prepared for mass media from representatives of Samruk-Energy JSC and its subsidiaries and affiliates, 11 press tours and press conferences were organized, 25 mass media requests were processed;
53 materials on the activities of Samruk-Energy JSC and its subsidiaries and affiliates were published in SK-news, the corporate edition of Samruk-Kazyna Fund;
Placement of relevant public information on the Company's corporate website is carried out on a regular basis;
In the reporting period, 446 materials on the activities of the holding company's group of companies were posted on the pages of Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube social networks;
On the eve of International Women's Day, the Miss Energy-2023 contest was held at Ekibastuz GRES-2 JSC — materials were published in mass media.