Procurement Management
Management Approach
Creating and developing a sustainable procurement system is one of the most important and prioritized tasks of our Company. For this purpose, we constantly improve our documents, introduce innovations, automate the procurement process and train our personnel.
The Company's procurement activities are based on the principles of:
- optimal and efficient expenditure of funds;
- openness and transparency, while respecting the rights and/or legitimate interests of suppliers to trade secrets (until the tender results are finalized);
- fair competition and prevention of collusion between participants;
- responsibility of procurement participants;
- prevention of corrupt practices;
- supporting domestic producers of goods, domestic suppliers of works and services if it does not contradict international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- acquisition of innovative and high-tech goods, works and services;
- providing equal opportunities for suppliers to participate in procurement procedures, except as provided by the Law;
- observance of intellectual property rights.
Documents regulating the Company's procurement activities:
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Procurement of Certain Entities of the Quasi-Public Sector’17;
- Procedure for procurement by Samruk-Kazyna JSC and legal entities, fifty or more percent of voting shares (participatory interests) of which directly or indirectly belong to Samruk-Kazyna JSC on the right of ownership or trust management18.
Improvement of procurement procedures is carried out by the Authorized Body for Procurement. Relations with suppliers and potential suppliers are carried out in accordance with the Law and the Procedure, after the conclusion of the contract, relations are regulated by the civil legislation and the contract. All requirements to the quality of goods, works and services (GWS) are established by the technical specification and the contract. Contracts obligatorily provide for reporting on the share of in-country value, penalties and other reports.
To ensure and increase the level of transparency and efficiency of procurement procedures, all procurement of Samruk-Energy JSC is conducted on the web portal of procurement of Samruk-Kazyna JSC (, designed for procurement procedures, collection of reports, evaluation and qualification of suppliers.
17Decision of the Board of Directors of National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna JSC Protocol No. 193 dated March 3, 2022.
18 Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On Procurement of Certain Entities of the Quasi-State Sector’ No. 47-VII LRK of 8 June 2021.