
We are committed to creating value for our stakeholders and building an open and transparent dialogue, therefore, every year, when preparing the annual report, we consider the proposals and recommendations of our stakeholders and disclose information about all significant aspects of “Samruk-Energy” JSC operations.

The Integrated Annual Report is available for you on the corporate website of “Samruk-Energy” JSC

To rate information disclosure in the 2023 Integrated Annual Report and determine material topics for disclosure in the 2024 Annual Report, please complete a questionnaire on substantial topics and aspects.

Your feedback is very important to us!
* fields that must be filled in
Please rate “Samruk-Energy” JSC annual report for 2021 according to the following criteria (2 — bad, 3 — satisfactory, 4 — good, 5 — excellent):
Completeness of information
Relevance of information
Report structure
Information presentation style
Please determine the topics that you are interested in for disclosure in the next annual report of “Samruk-Energy” JSC on a 5-point scale (1 — not important, 5 — very important)
Economic topics
Economic performance (GRI 201)
Market Presence (GRI 202)
Indirect Economic Impacts (GRI 203)
Procurement Practices (GRI 204)
Anti-corruption (GRI 205)
Anti-competitive Behaviour (GRI 206)
Tax (GRI 207)
Environmental topics
Materials (GRI 301)
Energy (GRI 302)
Water (GRI 303)
Biodiversity (GRI 304)
Emissions (GRI 305)
Waste (GRI 306)
Supplier Environmental Assessment (GRI 308)
Social topics
Employment (GRI 401)
Labor/Management Relations (GRI 402)
Occupational Health and Safety (GRI 403)
Training and Education (GRI 404)
Diversity and Equal Opportunity (GRI 405)
Non-discrimination (GRI 406)
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining (GRI 407)
Child Labor (GRI 408)
Forced or Compulsory Labor (GRI 409)
Security Practices (GRI 410)
Rights of Indigenous Peoples (GRI 411)
Local Communities (GRI 413)
Supplier Social Assessment (GRI 414)
Public Policy (GRI 415)
Customer Health and Safety (GRI 416)
Marketing and Labeling (GRI 417)
Customer privacy (GRI 418)
Coal sector
Climate adaptation, resilience, and transition (GRI 12.2)
Closure and rehabilitation (GRI 12.3)
Economic impacts (GRI 12.8)
Land and resource rights (GRI 12.10)
Conflict and security (GRI 12.12)
Asset integrity and critical incident management (GRI 12.13)
Payments to governments (GRI 12.21)